Tanto o Fact Finder quanto eu temos notado a ausência de pânico, justamente durante a mais grave crise pós-Grande Depressão.
Eu até botei um comentário em seu blog onde eu tento racionalizar o comportamento atípico dos investidores:
(a) o tempo consumido para entender a gravidade da crise foi superior à velocidade da queda;
(b) a maioria associou a atual crise às tantas outras nas últimas décadas, apesar do TiB, desde a sua inauguração em 6 de setembro desse ano, ter insistido na tese “this time is different”.
Will Gold Bugs Come To Life?
Há 5 anos
6 comentários:
Pânico? capaz nem houve circuit break, hehehehehe
E o brasileiro não desiste nunca. É um eterno otimista...
Stock Bears Fade in U.S., U.K., Brazil on Credit Market Thaw
2008-11-12 12:00:31.200 GMT
By Alexis Xydias
Nov. 12 (Bloomberg) -- Investors in the U.S., U.K. and Japan grew less convinced that stocks will fall over the next six months as the freeze in credit markets started to thaw, a survey of Bloomberg users showed.
Respondents still expect the Standard & Poor's 500 Index, the U.K.'s FTSE 100 Index, Japan's Nikkei 225 Stock Average, the Swiss Market Index and Spain's IBEX 35 Index to drop, according to the Bloomberg Professional Global Confidence Survey of 2,799 users. They grew more bearish in Italy, Germany and France than they were in October as Europe's economy moved closer to a recession. Only in Brazil did investors turn bullish and predict gains. In Mexico, investors were split, the survey, taken Nov. 3 to Nov. 7, showed.
The MSCI World Index of 23 developed markets advanced 8.2 percent since Oct. 27 after trading at 10.5 times the profit of its 1,728 companies, the cheapest level since at least 1995.
Money-market rates in London yesterday dropped to the lowest level since 2004 after central banks cut interest rates and provided unlimited dollar funding, while governments offered $3 trillion in bailouts and guarantees to financial institutions.
``As we see the implementation of rescue plans and lower interest and money-market rates, this brings down the risk of holding equities,'' said Alberto Espelosin, who helps manage the equivalent of $7.7 billion at Zaragoza, Spain-based Ibercaja Gestion and participated in the survey. ``Stocks were priced in for the worst outlook.''
como diz o ditado:
by the time they get it... it will be to late
KB and companhia; parabéns pelo blog e lógica em suas análises. Gosto da forma como vcs compilam as variáveis. Para mim, o melhor blog da net...sem aquelas análises com pouco conteúdo feita pela maioria dos economistas...tu é engenheiro né KB...o nível intelectual de vcs é muito bom.
a corja do TiB agradece.
...esqueceu de dizer que fez o Curso de Direito, TAMBÉM,
nosso modesto Vampirão.
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