Comentário deste final de semana do sobre o rompimento colocado na quinta aqui: Here is the good news - the financials broke above key resistance as the Dow Jones US Financial Index ($DJUSFN) finally broke above that 271 level. Right on cue, financials led on a relative basis last week and pulled the major indices higher with it. That 271 level now becomes excellent support. Until the bears can tear down support on the financials at that level, you've got to be long the group. We saw what happened to semiconductors when resistance was initially cleared. They exploded and so did the NASDAQ and NASDAQ 100. Now it's the financials' turn. We're not sure that the major indices will fly from current levels, but we do expect dollars that rotate out of other sectors to find a home in financials. That should spell solid outperformance in the near-term, at a mininum.
então dê-se como presente de Natal um salva-vidas (linházis 2, pois o Lafa também phoderá precisar... não seja miseravel e use os juros da montanha de dinheiro que recebe mensalmente da Unimed, pô!!!).
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2 comentários:
Comentário deste final de semana do sobre o rompimento colocado na quinta aqui:
Here is the good news - the financials broke above key resistance as the Dow Jones US Financial Index ($DJUSFN) finally broke above that 271 level. Right on cue, financials led on a relative basis last week and pulled the major indices higher with it. That 271 level now becomes excellent support. Until the bears can tear down support on the financials at that level, you've got to be long the group. We saw what happened to semiconductors when resistance was initially cleared. They exploded and so did the NASDAQ and NASDAQ 100. Now it's the financials' turn. We're not sure that the major indices will fly from current levels, but we do expect dollars that rotate out of other sectors to find a home in financials. That should spell solid outperformance in the near-term, at a mininum.
seu tremendo viciado nús xort
já comprou o bote e os remos?
então dê-se como presente de Natal um salva-vidas (linházis 2, pois o Lafa também phoderá precisar... não seja miseravel e use os juros da montanha de dinheiro que recebe mensalmente da Unimed, pô!!!).
e 'viva' 2.011 com a Dilminha.
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